This might come across as a angry little Mac fanboy venting, but I was wondering today what aspects of OSX and/or its culture that tick you off. We talk about what’s great about OSX all the time (and in my opinion, there are heaps of HUGE plusses), but I can easily come up with a few points myself:
1) People referring to the Mac platform as all caps in writing (“I have a problem with my MAC”) — it’s Mac, einstein! Get it right.
2) Those Get a Mac ads — c’mon guys, enough with the baby music in the background and the “jibes” at MS. Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses
3) The flip-flopping of Apple that happens sometimes. One recent one is the removal, then re-addition of Firewire on the MacBook (now MacBook Pro) platform.
4) Apple taking its sweet time releasing updates to some software. Like Java updates to 1.6, for example.
5) Related to (3), but the gradual removal of features. Like using your iPhone as a drive (I used to do this all the time with my iPod)
6) Tech reporters, especially from the US, that rubbish an entire platform like the iPhone because it doesn’t have a feature like MMS in the US. Hey, there’s a place called the rest of the world that MMS and other features work fine, guys!
7) People who have used a Mac only once ever in their lives, which was in 1987, and will never, while their hearts are still beating, ever touch another Mac again, considering them some sort of Fisher-Price toy that couldn’t ever do any serious work, ever. Welcome to 2009, try a Mac before you spew out your bigotry. Related to this is how some people still think a Mac comes with a one-button mouse out of the box, which automatically makes the entire platform invalid and broken, in their eyes.
8) Mac fanboys who think they’re invincible and click on links, view attachments, visit dubious websites and think that they’ll never get into trouble with viruses or malware. That day will come, one day. And you’ll be screwed.
9) People who take advantage of the no serial number policy of Apple when it comes to OSX and just pirate the software. Snow Leopard is only forty freaking dollars — don’t be a tight arse.
10) MS users who rubbish any major 10.x.0 OS X upgrade as just a service pack. Uh… no. They’re paid upgrades, and are worth as much IMO. Funnily enough, the “paid service pack” philosophy that they poo-pooh so often is perfectly acceptable when Microsoft do it for Windows Vista (version 6.0.6002) upgrades to Windows 7 (version 6.1.7600). Here’s the proof of the version numbers. Talk about double standards.
What aspects of OSX, its culture, or its perceptions from outsiders tick you off?
Brado says:
One thing that annoys me is commentary from the perspectives of MS users. Like that Apple held back features in Snow Leopard to have ‘something’ to release and compete with Windows 7. Apple can stand tall with pride of threir existing product range; the arrogant idea that Apple looks at MS for guideance is silly and based on nothing. It’s more likely a coincidence of Xmas spending! For those who don’t know Snow Leopard was released in late August but scheduled for September and Win7 is out in October.
September 6, 2009 — 6:28 pm
Ken says:
Definitely the support it doesn’t get from 3rd party developers and companies. Since it is so closed sourced, I have to make sure every device I get has OSX support, or if I need to utilize a specific software I have to make sure they have an OSX port. At this point working in the IT industry, I need both a PC and a Mac PPC box just to feel secure that everything will work for all customers. What a pain.
September 16, 2009 — 3:10 pm